Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dewdrops, treefogs and tea

Today I went to lunch at a wonderful tea & spice shop  (Blue Turtle) with a very creative friend from work.  The food was wonderful, I had the Roast Curry Apricot Chicken Salad, and Monks blend Ice tea, which was also delightful.  I didn't realize that it was going to be iced tea, and often herbal teas, to me, just don't make the transition to iced tea well, but this did.  Right now, I'm sipping some of the other blends I bought while there, and I also had to get the spice mix to make the chicken salad at home. 

While we were leaving work, my friend pointed out that there are tiny little green tree frogs living in the bushes around the front entrance, and while my photo of the frog is very out of focus, we also noticed the dew that had been trapped on a spider web.

We both wished  we had more time to savor life and creativity!!!!!! 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday-Jewelry and Hospital

The August break challenges continues and as I thought of what today could be in photos, again a photo of the garden area at Children's Hospital and also a photo of the first chain maille bracelet creation of mine.

The bracelet was a class at, and while I enjoyed the class, I found it a little frustrating.  The instructor used a lot of "lingo" so to speak in the class that those that had not done chain maille before did not "get", and there was one person in the class that had taken previous classes and so she and the instructor bonded while the other two people, myself and another, sort of struggled on by ourselves.  I've had other classes at the shop though that were wonderful, so this is the first one that wasn't up to my expectations, so that is not too bad.   AND again, it was more dedicated time to  be able to learn how to do this, rather than finding a block of time at home to do so, which can be difficult at times. Especially with this summer! 
I'm participating, albeit a bit late in the August break ( link to the side).  Here is the link for  Flicker group Each day i'll try to post a photo that sort up either sums up the day, or just suits my fancy for that day.  For Saturday, this is photo of the garden area outside Children's Hospital in Columbus where I've spent some time with my granddaughter in the last few days.

 I've also gotten a chance to knit a little bit in the surgery waiting room, my 9th pair of fingerless mitts for the Ravelry group challenge 11 pairs of FG in 2011.(Ravelry Forum)