First up, just a quick finish and I really haven't any plans for these two items yet, other than they are done and off the sewing table. They are quilted postcards, I think the idea is that you turn them into the quilt shop, they send them to a central location and then send a batch back, so you get a different one back from the one you turned in. I didn't do that, just finished the two and will use them next Christmas.
Second up to be finished: My local ASG chapter put out a request for pillowcases with a Valentines day theme for the James Cancer hospital here in Columbus. I finished three today. The tutorial that I used is here: The Seasoned Homemaker. Done burrito style ( I know, I wasn't sure what that meant, until I read through the tutorial, and then it makes sense), they are very quick. The only thing I changed was to serge the inside seams rather than french seams.
Now I am off to cook up dozen's of Italian meatballs to stock the freezer before the SuperBowl begins.