Monday, April 22, 2019

I have a Christmas project finished!  Umm, a year or two ago (maybe more but I'm not going to check), I signed up for a block of the month club from Shabby Fabrics.  Christmas Keepsakes- Wrapped in Joy  Completed each square, then it sat for a bit, since I didn't finish it in time for the first Christmas.  Christmas was always really busy with work, planning for events the first part of January, then the plans would be thrown out and changed at the whim of my boss for the heck of it. So I was usually lucky to get Christmas shopping done and ready.

But enough of that, I'm ready this year with the quilt and love the little details supplied with the kit as well as ones I added in addition.  Shabby Fabrics has wonderful pre laser cut pieces which give you time to skip the part of cutting all the appliques and go straight to the quilting.

My first finish for quarter 2 of the 2019 FAL too.
 Posting also on Instagram:#2019falq2cgadkins

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Starting again:

Well, lots has happened since my last post, and I'm semi retired now, with a limitation on computer time, so I'm going to start back again with short posts.  I'm participating in the 2019 Finish-A-long because I've realized that with working I had bigger anticipations of what I could finish than what I actually did, so the projects have piled up.  Also with a family wedding looming, I have projects there to finish also, as well as projects for the house.

So each quarter you post a list of what you anticipate finishing and the first quarter I posted on Instagram, short and sweet, but thought this would be a more cohesive way to post as well as Instagram. (if I can do it within a short computer use time).
So here is my list for the second quarter.  Smaller than last quarter, but wedding will take up a good chunk of time:
(Top left to right)

1.Denim Woven jacket
2.Toaster Sweater top
3.Shabby Fabrics Christmas quilt
4.Poppy Espadrilles
6.Denim Artisan Apron

7.Strawberry Scissors caddie RSmith
8.Embroidered denim jacket
9.March Sew Lux bag
10.April Sew Lux Bag
11.October Cowl
12.Monochrome Cowl

13.Apples in Clover Tam
14.Batik wall hanging
15.Upstairs, Downstairs cowl
16.3 color cashmere cowl
17.Rehearsal Dinner Dress
18.Rebekah Smith- Wool Mitten

19.Tettagouche Hat
20. Grey Linen sweater
21.Barbados Bag Kit
22.Pastel Snow quilt

Of course this doesn't include 3 bow ties, 3 little girl attendant dresses, 2 alterations, table runners and little bags for the bridal party.  Yikes!

2019 Q2 FAL cgadkins